Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Monday...again!!

Hello all~

Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather...unfortunatly, we don't have that!!! It's been REALLY hot and humid these past few days, but no rain, so that's a huge blessing! I believe for the first time in my life, I'm looking forward to SNOW when I come home in 2 months!!

I don't have a lot of news here, but I just wanted to share with you all that today I have officially decided to stay at NCA through the end of the year! So, that means I'll come home for Christmas on December 16 and need to be back in Nicaragua on January 5. I'm VERY CONTENT with my decision, and I know that I am doing the right thing! Most of the people at the school are very excited to hear this too! I've been SO blessed with great friends here, and I just couldn't imagine leaving in 9 weeks and not coming back!

I'm not sure what my role will be now since I will be staying, I have a feeling I will be getting much more involved with the counseling program. I am picking up 2 more kids this week and ending my ESL days with the boys. I'm excited about picking up the counseling kids, and sad to end my time with the boys. As tough as it has been, I have grown to love them very much and appreciate their personalities and differences. Samuel has been very serious in his work and to get a laugh out of him can be tough, but Miaco has a very spunky personality and it is fun to see their differences. They were both very sad to hear that I would not be working with them anymore, Maico had tears and I admit, I got sad too. BUT, I know that I can be used in different ways. PLUS, when their new teacher has to sub or can't make it, I get to fill in, so I know I will still get to hang out with them some. They are SO sweet though and I will miss working with them.

We have a student in 3rd grade who we believe has Ausburgers, so I am guessing I will be spending some time with him. He's a super sweetie and I'm looking forward to tackling this big case. It will be new for me, I have not worked much with kids with Ausburgurs, but I look forward to it!

Thanks again for all your notes and prayers! It's been kind of a rough few weeks with issues at school and just feeling very homesick, but I can feel the prayers and appreciate the encouragment from all of you! Also, I have people ask about supporting my ministry financially...there is a link on the blog to do that to. Know how much I appreciate it!!!

OH, and one more thing...I'm VERY excited to tell you that my sisters are coming on Thursday...great timing! Please pray for safety in their travels and for us as we travel on Friday to San Juan Del Sur for a relaxing weekend...I need a weekend away from "normal". They leave all too soon again next Monday morning, but it will be GREAT!!! Pray for safety and relaxation for all of us.



Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Monday!

I just had to share this funny...

So, a lot of the kiddos in first grade don't quite have the writing skills down, as you can read from the letter below from my buddy Oscar. One of the biggest problems is kids using b for d, and d for b. So, today that assignment was to write about what kind of animal they would like to see if they went to the zoo or on a safari. I'll just leave you with the first sentence of little Miss Alyssa's journal entry.

I love beer.

I could not stop laughing...

Enjoy today!