Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Heavy Heart...

Hello friends~

Just a quick update and a huge request for prayers...

The family who are in the process of adopting Antonio have lost their 19 year old daughter in a tragic accident yesterday. I really do not know any details, and they don't really matter.

Taellor was a beautiful girl who had a heart to love the way that Jesus did. She has been very involved in the family's decision to adopt Antonio, which has been an extreme source of comfort to me. While I never met her, I love her because she saw the same potential in Antonio that I did. She knew that he needed to be a part of their family, and God used her to give him the family that my heart so desired.

My heart breaks for the little man that I love who lost his sister, in a world were he most likely struggles to understand much of what is going on. His tiny heart must be breaking...with no words to help him understand why.

Please join me in praying for this family, for Antonio, and the missionary community of Nicaragua that was my own family as they mourn the loss of there daughter, sister, and friend...