Sunday, February 13, 2011

How can it be the middle of February already?!?!?

Hello friends and family~

I hope this find you all well!

I just realized I have not sent out an update for quite some time, sorry! It's been a bit busy since I returned from the States at Christmas. My friend Tricia came to visit about 2 weeks after I got back to Nica, and we had a GREAT time!! It was SO nice to have someone to show around my life, it's great too because she can report back to everyone at home ;-) We hit the Masaya market, Gran Pacifica beach resort, El Crucero orphanage, Tesoros de Dios and of course...NCA. THANKS for coming TVM, you're awesome! Marlo and Carol Van Klompenburg are also here for the month of February...more familiar faces. It's been a real blessing having them here. There is a team for Faith church here this week as well, in fact they are probably just landing in Managua right now, so another fun week for me!

Things here are going well, it's been very busy but I enjoy it! We have a student teacher in our first grade room now, so needless to say, the kiddos are getting lots of attention ;-) We've been keeping busy with fun things too. We've spent some time at the beach this semester and taking out the student teachers so they can experience the Nica culture through our gringa eyes...hahaha. We went to Granada yesterday and had a great day...I'll try to get some pics up on Facebook and on the blog.

There are always ways you can be praying for below!

~I have turned in to the resident counselor for all the teachers at NCA, which I love, but last week I had a bit of a meltdown. SO much hurt in their lives and I guess I just wept for all of them. Pray specifically for my 2 dear friends, Jed and Gina. I don't want to give out too much info but they are both walking through fire and have entrusted me to walk with them. Pray for wisdom for both of their situations, and that God would use my words to speak His truth in to their lives.

~Praise God for continued safety and his proctection over us as we travel out and's been fun to learn to drive here, but can be quite scary at times.

~Financial support is a big part of my ministry. I'm at about 80% of where I need to be through July. If you would like to support me in that way, go to and look for my name ;-)

~It's decision time again for me as far as what I would like to do in the next school year. Pray that God's guidance would be present in all my thoughts and that ultimately, His will be done.

~I am SUPER excited to be able to meet my parents in Honduras next week with a team from the area. Pray for safety for me as I travel on the bus (I'm a bit nervous) and for them as they travel. And, in all the many activities that are planned in Honduras, God be glorified!

Thanks for keeping up with me, I LOVE hearing from many of you!

