Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Hello friends~

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying (?!?!?!) the winter weather that has hit...I must say, Nicaragua is absolutely beautiful right now, a great time to come visit ;-)

I don't have a whole lot to "update" on as things are pretty much the same as they always are, but there are some things I do want to share with you and covet your prayers on.

~A student of mine from last year (her name is Lola) has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. My jaw dropped when I heard this...a 7 year old with ovarian cancer. Absolutely unbelievable, even as a I type, the lump in my throat returns as I struggle to even hear this news, but also to think of what she is going through. I don't have much more information on that, but I do ask that you be in prayer for her and her family, many uncertain times ahead with a grim prognosis.

~There have been some more break-ins/safety issues over the last month due to the inaguration of President Daniel Ortega. A few friends homes have been broken in to and it just makes for a generally uneasy feeling. Thank God for his protection and provision, and ask that this would be continued in my life and the lives of my friends.

~Adoption. I'm not sure how much I've shared with anyone...I know I haven't done of lot of it real publicly, so I guess now I am. My heart is for adoption, and in the last few months (especially) I feel like God is really pushing me to pursue this option. This is no way means I'm coming home with a kid, however, I feel very strongly that God is preparing me for something big. I have struggled with the idea of adopting as a single mother, however when you see the homes these children are in now, a single mother home is better than what they come from. I believe every child deserves a mother and a father, and I can't do much about the father but I do know that I have MANY amazing male role models in my life who would step up to teach my son/daughter about positive male influence. I have contacted an adoption "agency" here and am just in the intial stages of getting information. Please pray for me as I gather information, the right decisions to make, and that God would walk beside me in this very difficult process. I obviously don't know how this works in other countries, but I know it can be a nightmare here. I have had some encouraging conversations with a few people here, but please pray too that God would move their hears in the right direction. Most of all, I pray that God's will be done in this situation.

~March 1 is my official date to decide if I want to continue my work in Nicaragua or return to the States. This is a very difficult decision, just pray that I would recieve the clarity that I crave and again, that's God will be done in my life. There are many pros and cons to both returning to the States and staying here...

~My financial support is right at 65%. Thank God for faithful supporters and I trust in His provision that the rest will come in. If you would like to support my ministry go to THANK YOU for your faithful support...both in finances and prayers.

~I feel that I have been in a time of testing in my life, God is really bringing some difficult things in to my life and challenging me on the way I think about things. I praise God for his faithfullness and know that in all things, he will prevail and I just pray that he is glorified. You know, sometimes God is just sitting around being God and he leans over his throne and says "You know, I am just so proud of you." That's a challange for all of us, and one that I pray I succeed at ;-)

THANK YOU for reading, it got a bit long and I apologize! I love guests, e-mails, packages in the mail, SKYPE name it, I love it ;-)

