Monday, November 7, 2011

November News


I hope this finds everyone well and preparing for the busy holiday season ahead!

I'm not even sure when the last time was that I updated everyone, I'm sorry that I'm so bad at it...I know you all just sit by your computers and wait to hear from me ;-)

I guess I'll start with my trip back to the was awesome! I LOVED being able to be home. It was a super busy time, and I'll just give you a few highlights. I flew home on a day where I was VERY was not fun and I pray that I never have to do that again! So, the first few days at home, I pretty much crashed and tried to get better so I could get my hands on my niece. Well, that didn't happen right away, but I did make up for lost time once I started feeling better. Amy and I were fortunate to be able to travel to Michigan for our friend's wedding (CONGRATS JUSTINE AND PHIL ;-) and also spend time with our other friend Lindsay and also a great opportunity to catch up with family at the dairy farm. EVERY TIME, I'm shocked by how big the cows are, but that chocolate milk cow...she's my fav! Thanks for the fun time MI friends ;-) The second week home was filled with LOTS of time with Sam and Alex, enjoying some BEAUTIFUL fall weather, watching the DUTCH (Central AND Pella High...yea baby cousins), going to Beauty and the Beast at PCHS, Alexandra's baptism, a retirement party for my dear college professor Ed Willis, trick or treating with 2 of the CUTEST cupcakes in the world, LOTS of Dutch Boys, preschool with Caleb, lunch with Kaeleigh, and just hanging out on SEVERAL different couches (thanks to those who let me lay on your couches and catch know who you are ;-) Needless to say, it was a great trip and it was so nice to be rejuvinated and catch up with familiar faces. I tend to be a bit more homesick this year, so the trip home was a much needed trip! I am looking forward to being able to travel to the State again in about 5 weeks for I can't wait to see you all again ;-)

A few things that you can pray for back here in Nicaragua:

~Presidential elections were held yesterday in Nicaragua...and the outcome was as expected. Daniel Ortega was elected again and I'm not sure what that means. He is very much a dictator and a crook, so it's not good. Please continue to pray for the people of Nicaragua...such sadness, poverty, and oppression. The violence that was expected was not as bad as they thought it was going to be, so there are things to be thankful for. We did not leave the house yesterday and a quick run to the store today was the extent of it. Riots and violence are going to be commen this week after elections, so we are sticking close to home. Pray for safety and security always, but especially this week. I have never had a time where I did not feel safe, so praise the Lord!

~I was fortunate to be able to be in charge of the prayer room this weekend at NCA's youth group 30 Hour Famine. My eyes were opened to many of the problems of the students at NCA. Suicide thoughts, drugs, sex, cutting, and SEVERAL children in bad homes are a real reality in our school. Please pray for these much hurt and many feeling like there is just no hope. However, the Holy Spirit was definately at work this weekend, and I was so blessed to be a part of it. In all things, God is good!

~I don't know how many of you have heard about Norah, the tenth grader I've been working with since last year. She was adopted by another missionary family but is now living with a different family at NCA. She is hurting and is DESPERATE for some acceptance and love. Please pray for Norah by name, she is not in a good place. Pray for me as I work with her, it truly breaks my heart and I have no words to describe how messy the whole situation has gotten. Pray that I can be a constant in her life, and that God will use me to deliver his promise and hope to her.

~As always, the kids at El Crucero. There have been some problems with a few of the kids who are showing signs of sexual abuse. Pray for provision of the many things that they need.

It's been a heavy week back in Nicaragua, I've just felt really run down and exhausted by all the bad situations. However, I am fortunate to be in a Beth Moore study and it delivers me hope every day by speaking of how God is who He says He is and He can do what He says he can do...what a bright hope! My daily homework has been a great source of encouragement for me and I am loving it!

Thanks for reading and checking in on me! I appreciate all the thoughts and means a lot to get messages from people at home!

I'd love to have visitors....just want to remind you all that the offer stands ALWAYS!!!

Love and Blessings~
